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What Fills Me Up

Light is the New Black is a book that has really made an impact on me. I have never been that much of a reader but have been getting into it more recently. It has to be the right book and Light is the New Black is that. It's also a book that you can pick up here and there and reflect on life. When you need some inspiration or just a little guidance in your life with anything you may going through, it's great to read back your favorite affirmations or pages and get your mind in the right place again.

Here is a little video from the author explaining what it's all about:

On one of the pages in the book it asks you what fills you up. This means, what brings joy to your life, a smile on your face and what makes your soul feel good. Every day this can change or something additional can fill you up that didn't used to.

I jotted down some things that fill up me and my life. Here they are:

- A good cup of coffee.

- Blasting great songs & singing at the top of my lungs (in the car).

- Special moments with my son, seeing him smile & hearing him laugh.

- Family time.

- The sound of the wind chimes & birds chirping.

- Sunshine on a cool day.

- Seeing the moon change day by day.

- Some quiet time reading.

- The way I feel when I am being healthy by eating well & getting some exercise.

- Treating myself. (a new shirt, Starbucks, sushi, etc.)

- Nature, just being in nature.

- Mini road trips even if it's not that far, but its somewhere new & made an adventure.

- And I will add flowers or random surprises from my hubby, because today flowers were on the counter when I woke up.

What fills you up? Think about it and do more of it! These are the things that matter, the little things.

Positive vibes,


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