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Hi! I'm Jenn with 2 n's. Founder of Passion N Beauty.  I am a wife and a mother of a little superhero. I am a coffee obsessed, lover of life, photography, healthy living, music, nature and food. 

I started a blog in 2011 on BlogSpot and have since transferred my favorite posts over to this site and will continue to update here. When I started off I mainly posted about food, but I now want to broaden that and leave it more open to anything that is going on in my crazy life.


I am so excited for this journey of blogging and look forward to sharing it with you all. Feel free to contact me to chat!


There are three categories on the website to keep things organized. Here is a brief description for each one:


FOOD - Recipes, Products, Food Photos

LIFE - Motherhood, Photography, Everyday Life Struggles/Joys

HEALTH - Fitness, Essential Oils, Crystals, General Health

about me

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