Coffee Recipes
Here is a hot coffee recipe - Protein Coffee

The recipe calls for:
ground coffee
chocolate protein powder
coconut milk or milk/cream of your choice
-- This is so simple! Add coffee to the filter in your coffee pot like every morning and add one tablespoon of protein powder per two tablespoons of coffee.
-- BREW and await the deliciousness!
-- Pour in your favorite mug, add milk/cream of your choice and ENJOY!
Each sip keeps getting better and better...CHEERS!
Here is a cold coffee recipe - Coffee Popsicles

The recipe calls for:
brewed coffee
creamer/milk of your choice
coconut oil/chocolate chips (optional)
-- Pour popsicle molds 3/4 with coffee. Add creamer/milk & freeze.
-- Optional: Melt a little coconut oil and chocolate chips. Dip frozen popsicle in the chocolate mixture and it will harden.
Positive vibes,