Lasagna Stuffed Peppers
Lasagna with no pasta, super low carb! It's a simple recipe and delicious. The peppers bring a great taste to the dish. I will definitely...
Energy Bites
Super easy recipe! - 2 cups oats - 1/4 cup honey - 1/2 cup natural peanut butter or almond butter - 2 ripes bananas - mini dark chocolate...
Frozen Greek Yogurt
Three things! 1.) I LOVE ice cream. It's one food I could eat daily if it wasn't a million calories in each pint. 2.) I HATE wasting...
21 Day Fix Approved Buffalo Pizza
The recipe calls for: whole wheat pizza dough 2 chicken breasts 1 cup hot sauce chili powder garlic powder oregano 1/2 cup tomato sauce...
I Love Plating
Eating healthy isn't always expensive or difficult to make. I forgot to put out turkey burgers for dinner one day this week so I whipped...
Quinoa Caprese Casserole
I can't believe I haven't posted this recipe before. It's my absolute favorite quinoa recipe and I've made it many times or a family...
Clean Eating Baked "Ziti"
This dinner was a hit with this kid. :) It's a 21 day fix approved recipe, Baked Ziti with ground turkey. YUM! The recipe calls for: 1...
Healthy Chocolate Cake, Is There Such A Thing?
There sure is! My mom's birthday was last month and my whole family is really trying to be healthy, but I still wanted to make something...
Quinoa Pizza Crust
I was skeptical and worried about this recipe. I thought the crust would be soft and not crisp up, but I was wrong. This recipe is pretty...
Shrimp Scampi w/Zucchini Pasta
This was the first time I have ever cooked shrimp and it was a huge success. So delicous and low in carbs/calories. A good source of...
Stuffed Peppers
The recipe calls for: 4 peppers 1/2 lb ground turkey, cooked 2 cups rice 1 can black beans 1/2 cup frozen corn 1 cup onion,...
Creamy Avocado Sauce
The recipe calls for: 1 box of whole wheat pasta 1 larger sized avocado 1/2 of a lemon, the juice only 3 tbs olive oil 4 garlic cloves...