Lasagna Stuffed Peppers
Lasagna with no pasta, super low carb! It's a simple recipe and delicious. The peppers bring a great taste to the dish. I will definitely...
Energy Bites
Super easy recipe! - 2 cups oats - 1/4 cup honey - 1/2 cup natural peanut butter or almond butter - 2 ripes bananas - mini dark chocolate...
Challenge Yourself
My best friend is running a series of work out challenges to get your body summer ready. The first one was all about the lower body and...
Frozen Greek Yogurt
Three things! 1.) I LOVE ice cream. It's one food I could eat daily if it wasn't a million calories in each pint. 2.) I HATE wasting...
21 Day Fix Approved Buffalo Pizza
The recipe calls for: whole wheat pizza dough 2 chicken breasts 1 cup hot sauce chili powder garlic powder oregano 1/2 cup tomato sauce...
I am slowly realizing, it’s not all about the number on the scale. I have always had that number define my entire day. I am still one...
Balance, Portions, Movement
It's near impossible to not treat yourself, go out to eat or have a piece of chocolate. Right? It's all about balance. I used to have a...
Why do we only eat pumpkin in the fall?
I get why pumpkin is huge in the fall, makes sense. But when baking canned pumpkin is usually always used and that may not be in your...
Who Loves Pizza Night?
Wow! Brown rice pizza crust, who would've thought to do this? I just saw the recipe on the box of brown rice and had to try it! Perfect...
Quinoa Caprese Casserole
I can't believe I haven't posted this recipe before. It's my absolute favorite quinoa recipe and I've made it many times or a family...
Clean Eating Baked "Ziti"
This dinner was a hit with this kid. :) It's a 21 day fix approved recipe, Baked Ziti with ground turkey. YUM! The recipe calls for: 1...
Black Bean Hummus Wrap
HUMMUS The recipe calls for: 2 cans of black beans, rinsed 2 garlic cloves or a spoonful of already minced garlic 2 jalapenos 1 tbs honey...